Hesitant to Say


When I speak my words are hesitant.

My love isn’t at all content.

When I’m silence you speak to me,

In a way that doesn’t exactly agree

Sometimes I don’t understand how it’s exactly true that;

My hesitance--


Are exactly true.

Sometimes I wonder what’s wrong with me.

But it’s not me, it’s you.

When I speak, with hesitance;

Of my foreign truth,

I cried to think I stopped for you

Before I said the only truth.

I died in side as I realized why,

That maybe I’m not really fine.

That you aren’t really satisfied.

And I’m a gloat easily removed.

So tell me why I realized why.

Its because I stopped for you.

Because you reminded me of the truth.

That you are what the world does call.

The parents of a child lost.

That I must call you such a name.

But we have nothing the same.

So I’m claimed by your indulgence of pain

Why did I hesitate to call you my family

When I say father and mother I think before I speak,

Cause let me tell you personally,

That you aren’t really family.
♠ ♠ ♠
*I realized how hard it is for me to acknowledge them, or know that I am part of them. That they are what they are. Its hard to say cuz of everything I believe. And I realized, that I literally have no one. Not even a family. So my question, do I have a right to cry in secret every night?