Power of music

Songs unlock
What I’ve tried to push away.
Deep inside the crevices
Of my mind,
The demons try to escape

Memories arise
Like a bat
From the deepest, darkest pits
Of my being

A quick flash of the past
Sweeps by like a shadow
In the corner of my eye
A glimpse of blood
Enough to stir emotions

The thoughts keep growing
Like a cancer
Attempting to eat me alive

I claw at my scars,
As if trying to kill the monster
That hides behind them.

Yea I could get them removed,
But the fact remains,
They were there

I remember how I hurt so many people
And punished myself
For their pain

I will not give in
I will not fall into the pain
I step away from the pit of darkness
Luring me in

It still remains
It still remembers
But I will try to stay strong…