The Greatest Mistake

There’s nothing left inside of me,
But a pocket of empty air.
Where once you stood, I look and see,
An eternal nothing there.

You hurt me and I hated you,
I constantly cursed your name.
And yet somehow through all the sorrow,
The love interlaced the pain.

The passion was marred but still was there,
As I lay with your knife on the floor,
Only to stand so I could promise myself,
That I wouldn't love you anymore.

But damnable love will never die,
Though it seems far from truth.
And though you set my bones ablaze,
I can’t help it but miss you.

I miss your touch, your kiss, your smell,
I miss holding your hand.
I miss the way you’d laugh with me,
As you swore you’d understand.

Oh you’re the devil, you haunt me still,
Though our words now count as few.
And yet how powerful are the words,
Singing “I miss you...”