
I'm digging this hole:
A hole with my hands.
The labour of life;

My cumbersome path.

I'll bury myself,
When I get to the bottom,
But for now I'll dig down
and Further.

I'm too far to reach
But too close to stop.

So down I'll dig,
Down to the dark.
Through day
And Night


Where am I going?
The same place as you,
But don't try and find me,
Once you're there I'll be gone.

What am I looking for?
What is my quest?
Why am I searching?
I'm searching for me.

Push aside the ground I've tred
Fresh soil awaits just below
Soil more moist
More suited for roots
But wrong roots, used roots, your roots
Not mine.

The more I dig,
The further I get
Branches and Leaves
Come back into sight.

Is this one big circle?
A circle of down
Further and further
But always the same.

I'm stuck on a loop
My North is my South
Am I getting any closer?
To finding out?

What lies down there?
What lies in here...
Won't somebody tell me?
It's so cold down here...

I'm all alone

Have I gone too far?

Dare I look up?

Dare I look back?

Just close my eyes;


