Our Silent Goodbye (written in Grade 8)

You expect so much from me
I can barely breath
You showed me how to forget the things important to remember
I learnt you ways
I dealt with the bad before the good
You took me away from all the pain
All the things that hurt me most

You want me to leave everything behind
You want me to follow your path
I can't leave yet
The world has so much to offer
I lean towards the light
You lean towards the dark
As we say our final silent good bye

Once I wake up from this dream
My surroundings are grim
Everything hurts "I'm still me"
But nothing is the same
my days are grey and my nights greyer
My memories to painful to bear
My whole world crashed around me

This time no one will bring me back
I hate it but I'm on my own
I have to go on and dream
You follow me into my dreams
That sweet sound, you voice that calms me
We knew our paths would never cross again
As we said our final silent goodbye
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this in grade 8, during a math lesson... this is one of my first peoms, that was actually good,,,enjoy