Hm, i just made this up on my mind, pls forgive if it is bad

When i look into your eyes all i see
is a moonpool shinning with lust.

I pray day in and day out to be by
your side until my last breath.

Your love surounds me and wraps
me in a secure hug that lasts until moon.

When i see that dimple smile my
breath shallows and quikens.

I cant help but gaze wonderingly at you
and ask why you are with me.

I am a so wronge compared to you,
but yet me are together strongly.

I hold your hand, not in love,
but in fear of you leaving me.

Every night i wish on a shooting star,
wishing that you wont leave me tomorrow.

My wished must have come true,
for you are still here.

A kiss on the check is all i deserve from you;
♠ ♠ ♠
Please forgive this, i wrote this in 3 minutes on here. Inspiration!