
Cuts upon my tongue,
Dug in by my teeth
To keep back the words that are wanting to leak.

Seeping with venom,
Slathered in malice,
Words that I’ll keep hidden in silence.

But that is not all
Not even the tip
But I am far too scared, trembles dance amongst my lips.

Dancing with Envy
Sleeping with Pride
Keeping these words thrown to the side.

Good enough—not?
Broken yet fixed.
I’m a vessel of feelings that got lost in the mix.

Working on speaking
Pen in hand
Eventually I’ll tell you—just maybe—at the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
There are many things I want to say, but I never can. I over think them and by the time I have come to the conclusion the time has passed or I have decided to hold my back my tongue.