I Don't Understand

I don’t understand, what I did to you
For you to fuck me up and leave me blue
I don’t understand, how you crushed me whole
Leaving a hollow feeling where it should be my soul
I don’t understand, how you treat me so
Like your arch enemy or some kind of foe
I don’t understand, how a bond so tight
Could be broken so easily, in one single night
I don’t understand, how you say you’re my friend
But leaving nothing but pain and sorrow in the end
I don’t understand, how you could do that to me
In a moment of weakness, because you were a little lonely
I don’t understand, why you would do that at all
We were like sisters, I’d catch you if ever you were to fall

I do understand, that our friendship is no more
You made that decision, when you became a whore
I do understand, that I cannot look at you
Was everything we shared even ever true?
I do understand, that you make me sick
All this pain, for one night with a dick
I do understand, that you couldn’t care less
If you did, we wouldn’t be in this fucked up mess
I do understand, that you lost more than just me
You lost your pride, your reputation, your dignity
I do understand, that if it were me
You wouldn’t be writing this poetry
I do understand, that I could never be like you
I would never treat you like the gum underneath my shoe
♠ ♠ ♠
*Recent events brought me to write this piece of poetry.
I haven't really been inspired to write recently and all that changed a little while ago.
I just don't get people that fancy betrayal.. Why would someone ever want to do that? Unless it's fun on the other side, because where I'm standing, it sure as hell isn't.