I Want To Be The Night

I want to be the night.
When everything comes into perspective; everything is so much better and you are suddenly a master in all the skills you possess.
I want to be the night.
People having a blast, living life and meeting up with their favourite people, making their favourite mistakes.
I want to be the night.
When brain activity is at an all time high, you can’t fall asleep and you suddenly remember that you haven’t finished your homework.
I want to be the night.
When you’re falling asleep in an awkward position that’s somehow comfortable.
When you’re thinking about how much life has to give you. When you’re falling into that deep sleep.
Then you suddenly have to pee.
I want to be the night.
Because it’s unexpected, unappreciated and unabated.
I want to be the night.
Because there’s no place I’d rather be.
Than in the night.