collars, and hips and wrists .oh my!

they jut out like pins
breaking the skin
like the bones are to big
and the body to small.

like an alien unzipping from its outer layer
and into a shinny new one.
creating space
but not enough, where it would look to big
but just enough.

breaking, connecting
making room for new ones
coming in
feeling stronger
intill those break and it starts all over again.

wires sticking out
all out of place
knife cutting, your skin
leaving windows for them to breathe.

can't breathe
going into shock
never gonna make it.

tubes combining
liquid filling
pouring out the windows.

windows closing
heart stopping
don't know how to breathe.

bones jutting
just like pins
never coming out.
♠ ♠ ♠
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