
As I breathe in the crisp air,
I hear the songs of winged creatures in my ears.
The surging feathers and rustling leaves of surrounding trees guide my
spirit to release its woes. I let them
dissipate. They cease to exist.
In the trees' summits there is a movement so soft; then a stillness so bold.
I am at peace. Nothing surrounds me; yet I am engulfed.
I am one with the sunlight and the water that rushes around
the boulder upon which I stand. All is full of life.
As the air slowly whisks down my windpipe, I feel a rising.
A filling. A warmth. I breathe pure sunshine. My vision distorts.
Every bit of light archs to form a perfect sphere; in which I see all
that is nature. All that is good and right lies within; all that I can be.
Every ounce of sensation is mine to hold; then exhale. Everything upon
God's green earth fills my heart at this moment; within the bounds of how
it was meant to be. I love. I love. I love.
♠ ♠ ♠
This occurred a few years ago. It was only after watching "when you find me," (a short film produced by Ron Howard), that the right words came to me, to describe how I felt that day.