The eyes of a fallen angel
Are the eyes of tragedy
It’s difficult for me not to feel passed over by those sightless eyes
But I can see behind those eyes
Through the eyes of my fallen angel
And what I see is me
My friends, and the women I love
At her eyes I stop, and I look
I see her soul
I see her love, her life, I see it all
Like the artist I see her soul painted like a dark and beautiful picture
I see her fears, and I see she’s wounded; I examine the very fiber of her being
But there’s something missing
Me, nothing there is of me, nothing is felt for me
I scream
A scream of pain, as if my beating heart was ripped out
For no love was felt for me
I flee from her eyes
From those windows of the soul
I return to the eyes of my fallen angel
I step back, and gaze in to the face
The face of tragedy, the face of death, and then I understand
I blink and the face turns into mine
And it speaks, with a voice as old, young, and hollowed as time, it speaks
It says
“I was you once.
I looked into the very same eyes, I saw what you saw.
And what I saw drove me mad, I stayed in this very room, this personal hell I made in the depths
Of my own soul.
I questioned, my life and my purpose, I forced my self to dig my own grave to keep my mind level
And when I reached the bottom, my madness broke me,
That’s when I saw him, my personal devil, he laughed at my sorrow
He promised I would find a little solace and some piece of mind
“Whatever” I said just as long as I don’t fell so weak and powerless with my life
Then I ascended, into my personal darkness
And was made into what lies chained before you.
The dark angel, he who sees nothing and everything.
And now I laugh, at you, the one who claims this violating search in the name of love,
Only, you find nothing but your own darkness and demons,
You who searched your own soul, to find it empty,
And you thought she, no they loved you, HA! no one dose
I laugh at your petty attempts of understanding this life and its’ emotions.
You expedited humanity but all you find is hell!
So now that you know what awaits you, this hell, what do you have to say?
I just stared at him, questioning everything in my reality.
“Good” he said, “then let it begin.”
My body is sucked into the void of my crushed soul, through the darkness
I am hurled towards a light, I fell pain and sorrow all around me, I hear a foot steps,
I open my eyes, but I cant see, then I fell a presence,
I can tell who it is, it’s me,
Then I can see, the film clears, and I see my face gazing into my own eyes,
I feel myself prodding into my soul and into countless others,
I try to warn myself, but I can’t hear me, I try to stop the cycle but no nothing happens,
Then I see, I see threw, I see threw you,
I see threw me
Then oh well,
Then I yell, and you don’t, you don’t see me
And there I stand expecting just a little too much from the wounded,
The man before me with the bleeding heart
Again I try to stop it, nothing, it’s too late
Then in the back of my mind I hear a voice, I turn in in my self
To see what if not who it is, and I see thousands of angles fallen,
All looking the same, all laughing at me,
Then I realize that they to are me, the countless times I’ve done
This, lived then died and fallen, these are my failed attempts at redemption
My life played out over and over until this point, they chuckle in their ragged
Again I scream, knowing that its’ been done a million times over
And as I scream I see and hear my self scream ,
I look back to my original body , again my mind and soul brake
Then calm, and I know what to say, I repeat what I/ the angel told my self
I do this calmly knowing that there’s no way out of it,
My love and life is gone, so I accept the cruel fate a jestering god has put upon my soul
And with this acceptance , I awaken,
And I see the
The eyes of a fallen angel
The eyes of tragedy
(In the back of my mind I know I must stop, but I can’t,)
It’s difficult for me not to feel passed over by those sightless eyes…..