Come Home

I know Im a bitch sometimes
And I rip you apart for no reason
I know I’m not perfect
And it drives you crazy that I pretend I am

I know sometimes it’s hard for you
With all the city lights
And welcoming night air
The pretty girls
And everything I wont do
But every night you seem to find your way home

I know I push the limits
And sometimes I go too far
I know sometimes you just want to walk
Walk out on me, and everything
Because it’s so much easier that way

Yes, I know sometimes it’s hard for you
All the endless opportunities
Doors to a better life
Tempting you, waiting for you
But every night you manage to find your way home

I know I have my flaws
And sometimes it’d be easier if I were normal
I know that it’s hard for me
Hard to give you the proper reaction
I know it frustrates you that I can’t say how I feel
And that I’d rather ignore all our problems

I know sometimes
Yes I know,
That its hard for you
To come home
I know there are prettier girls
And better lives
Ones that you’d fit more perfectly in
Yeah I know the city lights
And night life are much more tempting

But somehow
Yes somehow, someway
You find your way

You find your way into my arms
You rise above the fights
And see past my flaws
You see my mask
And wait patiently for me to take it off
You let me say what I want
No matter how bad it hurts
You know it’s hard for me
To just admit I’m wrong
You see my madness
In every little thing I do
Yes you know me
And yet you still love me like crazy.

You resist the welcoming night air
You ignore the pretty girls who just don’t care
You turn away anything that would give you 100 years the other way
You continue to fight,
Fight your way right through
Fight your way to something that’s true
True and imperfect
But beauty nonetheless
You find your way back to this mess
This mess we call love,
Yes you always manage to rise above
And come right back home to me, every night