Lost it all

We've lost it all
All of it's gone
And I don't know what to do.
The world has continued to move forward
But the past is where I want to stay
This place is my home
A place I can never leave
It's where my friendships live
It's where you and I live
Where we are protected from reality
Allowed to be us
Carefree and young
Its where no one can touch us and our happiness
Everything is natural
A relationship no one has seen better
Laughter is all that fills the air
Memories constantly being made
Never a tear of pain to hit the floor
But I must move on
The world is making me
Looking back,
it hurts to know
That no matter how hard I fight
No matter how much I put into it
It's all gone.
Its something that can never last in the real world
Its something you let reality devour
Something that drains me as I waste my time
as I lose my sense of reason
Something that in turn means nothing
Not one thing to you
But a memory
A good time you had
Something you can never have in the real world
Something that deserves hardly a second thought
It hurts to know
You mean so much to me
And I mean nothing to you...
Its all gone
We've lost it all