
She's my Gee.
She's my dumb ass.
She's just like me.
She's full of sass.

Witty, Feisty, Out of control.
Especially when she defends my ass.
Funny, Whacky, A little loco
When I want to make someone grass.

Yes we fight a lot.
Yes we forgive each other right away.
Yes we go to the mall just to look at boys that are hot.
Yes we roll that way.

We get drunk off of non- alcoholic drinks.
We get high off of Pop tarts.
We still call jinx.
This is where it all starts.

We’re the kind of people that think we were separated at birth.
We’re the kind of people who will laugh during a twister.
We’re the kind of people that will randomly say “what on earth?!”
We’re the kind of people who consider themselves sisters.