Remembering Things About You

I still feel your fingertips light against my skin,
You tapped my shoulder and I smiled.
You got my attention so easily.

(I remember only this about you.)

And I still hear your voice as you whispered my name.
You rarely said it out loud
But whispered it for only me to hear.

(I remember only this about you.)

And I still see your smile,
Sweet but shy,
How could your smile be shy?

(I remember only this about you.)

And I still hear your laugh,
Loud and real.
You laughed like you meant it.

(I remember only this about you.)

And I still smell your cologne,
Understated and sweet.
The reason I took deep breaths.

(I remember only this about you.)

And I still read the words you wrote,
Quickly and with little real meaning.
But with a hidden truth behind your words.

(I remember only this about you.)

The way you touched me,
The way you spoke.
The way you smiled.

(I remember only this about you.)

The way you laughed,
The way you smelled,
The way you wrote.

(I remember only this about you.)

But when I close my eyes,
You are there again.
There I see your face.

And then it's evident.
Yes, then it's clear.
Then it is obvious.

I remember everything about you.