
I know you’re here
Sometimes I feel you
It’s hard to explain
But after a year I have grown to understand
That your energy
Has become a part of all of us
I look at the ocean
Watch the waves and think of you
The ebb and flow of the tide
The way a wave
Comes graceful to shore
And death, the crashing
Is a part of its dance
Nothing more than a life cycle
I can choose to think of you that way
The wave that breaks early
Before the others are fully grown
And ready to fall apart
The one that crashes hard
Premature and sure
That it’s the right time
To let it all go and wash ashore
When it’s your time to break
You can’t stop the flow of the tides.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a year after one of my friends was killed in a car accident. It's one of many I've written about her in the three years it's been since she died.