Deadly Companion

It's like a companion that's always there
a constant fear at the edge of my vision,
burning away reaching toward my heart
wanting to grab it and put it's flame out.

It has taken control of my mind,
telling it about things that isn't always there.
After a while everything it tell me makes sense
and I fall down into despair.

I know deep down it may not be true
but right now I am confused
there is so much conflict I am always trying to choose,
but what is considered wrong and what would be truly right?

I believe the answer comes closer each day
as my soul slowly fades away
my heart cannot fight on forever
as it's plight sets it slowly off rhythm.

The path before me has my mind in riddles
I know what those around me want me to choose
but I bury there answers deep inside.
and I try to chose one last time.

After adventuring so long on this path of despair,
the exit light has shown itself there
as the people who love me swarm in front of it's black light
I truly do wonder if this is my last flight.