Waking Up

So what if I told you every lie in the book
Fooled you with my every look
Struck you as sincere when all I am is a crook
Didn't take long for you to process what I took

Your life hangs by a hook
Yet still this faith just haunts my dreams
The way you smile after you scream
It hurt a lot to be ripped at the seams

Fell right into those dirty schemes
Believed a fowl creature
Ended up endangered
Couldn't hold this pent up anger

Wanted to strangle a stranger
Revenge took its time
It encouraged the blind
To stab someone from behind

The light left those eyes
I looked at the sky
Missed a cool night
Embraced the light

Woke up and took flight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been experimenting with writing stories with my poetry, this is merely a beginner's attempt. Feedback would be appreciated.