Shadow Figuire

Dark shadowy figuire......hiding amongst the trees.

Who is this dark shadowy figiure? I ask of myself

I begin to near twords this shadowy figuire, the fog then sets in.

Consuming the area, surounding him.

Itake a steptwords him, he takes a step back.

I begin to run twords him, to know who he is.

He begins to laugh,

His evil laugh soons starts ringing in my ears.

I run faster. He starts to run away.

My feet begin to grow slow,

feeling heavy, but somehow,

I catch up to him, and try to see his face.

I pull down his hood and am suprised to see

He dosnt have a face, nor a head, theres nothing there.

Just a cloak with no apparent owner,

the hood slung lazily down on the back of thy lone cloak.

I stagger back as he grabs fist fulls of his cloak and throws it off.


All that is left is its cloak lying on the ground, which rapidly starts to be eatin up into the hard clay soil underneath it.

As I walk back home, im left to wonder,was he realy there,was I seeing things, I'll never know.....
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never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsipop ;) hahaha, get it...well it was kinda lame so i get it if you didnt laugh, anyways wrote a year ago after my uncle told me some ghost story, yeah! comment tell me what u think? :)