
She wears tiny jeans that hug her hips
And puts shiny lipgloss on her lips
Lines her eyes with black and blue
And drowns her sorrows in expensive perfume.

She's beautiful.

She dyes her hair a shiny blonde
And curls her lashes 'til they're long
Wears push up bras and skinny thongs
And diets 'til her belly's gone.

She's beautiful.

Who is she to judge beauty
By films and models and magazines
The baby girl who tries to be
The sexy woman on T.V.

Who's beautiful?

So she walks the world with head held high
But really, she's slowly dying inside
She wears her mask so she can hide
The truth that's screaming in her eyes.

What's beautiful?

Her heavy heart holds pounds of pain
Her mind begs her to please drop her chains
She's sure she's going slightly insane
And she struggles more and more everyday.

Find beautiful.

Her reflection smiles clean bright white
But her brain puts up a constant fight
And no matter how she cries at night
Her face lies everything's alright.

Why, Beautiful?

Now she trudges down her lonesome road
Sure her life is gonna fold
Cause her routine is getting old
A pretty shell who's lost her soul.

Why, Beautiful?

So what's the price she has to pay
To continue on with life that way
How much longer 'til she says
"I just can't live like this today."

So beautiful.

And yet this girl still seals her fate
Her mask she feels she must maintain
Despite her loss and deepest pain
It's not her beauty that claims her fame.

She's beautiful.

Her tragedy screams of a foundation shook
The loss of self that vanity took
Ignore the pain and sink the hooks
In a life based solely on body and looks.

No more, Beautiful.