
Let me drown out the sounds of the world
Pent me up in my own minds carnival
I'll ride alone on the merry go round
Listen to the steady beat of the music my heart plays loud
I can close my eyes and drift to the stands
Where a magician offers to take my hand
And teach me the ways of believing once again
Because all children need to be open to imagination
Have to hold on to as much hope as they are given
And use that light as a sense of warding off the darkness that thickens
With each breath that passes ones lips
The air returns to me a gentle kiss
As I float to the bubbles of the Ferris wheel
It spins round and I open my eyes to a dream world
Where faceless beauties move and twirl
And tears become fireflies
Filling the world with so much light
It is the only bliss I can ever find
The way my fantasies wrap around in my mind
Standing tall I will fall toward the bottom of the ride
Give me a rush before setting it aside
Sprout these wings so I can fly
Up to a grand castle of sparkling crowns
Give me the very best flaming gown
So I can turn into the princess of the land
And dance without a single care
Let me suffocate in the mass of bodies
Pressed up in the shining ecstasy
I will never regret anything
Not in this place where everything is so easy
A perfection unlike anything
Because in my world everything is as it should be
And nothing beats that reality.
Let these nameless wonders join me
As I reach to touch the stars in my heels
Fingers brush against the skylight
And I taste the sweets of destiny
Someday this is will I'll always be
A place where no one I know can find me.