shy girl

Shy girl is not who you all think she is.
shy girl isn't shy because she is just that, shy.
shy girl is shy because she knows you will all gudge her every word that falls from her lips.
shy girl is not mean because she is a bitch.
shy girl is mean because she has so much fire inside her that never gets the chance to come out.
shy girl doesnt get the question the teacher asked her right becase she is stupid.
shy girl gets the question wrong because her mind frezen when all eyes are on her.
shy girl does not cut because she is suicidal and hates herself and others.
sjy girl cuts herself because its the one thing she has control of.
shy girl does cling to her mommys side because she is a mamas girl.
shy girl clingsto her side because she knows at any moment her momma could be gone.
but when shy girl looks in the meror all she sees is:
a shy, bitch stupid, angry, suicidal, mammas girl.
because shy girl, is a meror.
and she will become whatever image you tell her to be.
shy girl is me,
or better yet, what you tell me i am.