Smiles Are Not What They Appear To Be

Careful, careful, the show's about to start.
So, go on, line the seating with fragile beating hearts.
The Curtain Call, the drum roll falls, and I step on the stage.
Red velvet wipes away the frown as I turn another page.
The smile on my face is tremulous at best,
but you could never tell the difference from the rest.
So, go on, keep on watching; stay with me a while,
and if you watch me carefully, you'll see the Fall of Smiles.
It shatters on the floor, it creeps behind the doors.
And much like the Night of Broken Glass, it's darkest before dawn.
So, as we say in theater, the show! It must go on!
So, while I scramble to pick up the shattered pieces,
Half-formed words slip past my teeth unguarded.
Murmurs from the audience, this isn't what they thought.
Are you uncomfortable now to see what I have wrought?
This is not the end of days, though it might as well be.
After all, I am not what you would call extra-ordinary.
I am simply human, fragile and alone,
with nothing more than a heart caged in by bone.
And though I wish it so, this is not my home.
No. This is not my home.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's nothing great.