Un known

What is unknown in this beautiful lie we call earth
What lays beneath the sand
What story's and truths have Ben told apon this sand
That salt water crashes over erasing everything but the memorie
What perpose do we have here if all we were born for is to die and get
Baried underneath the ground and forgotten about and all the earth
Holds on to is the memories
Is that all we are memories scared in the sand never to be
Shaken out or erased?
Why do we stand in fight for this earth to live when we are the ones killing it
No one knows what we are here for and what our perpose is
Are we just along for the ride
I think we are more important than that
I think its time to recognize our strengths and throw away OUR
Weaknesses we made this earth what it is today so I think it's time to
LEARN from OUR mistakes and grow the fuck up
Our is that un known? And
To late