Hate You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyday i walk by
put a smile on my face,
picture you right beside me,
come back to reality and your gone,

remember the pain you put me through
how this beautiful person almost came to an end,
you broke my heart,
you stole my happy life,
you stole my smile.

Can't love someone without thinking of you,
your with me through the end.
I hate you for breaking my heart,
I hate you for leaving,
I hate you for saying i love you too,
I hate you for hugging me one last time,
I hate you for saying forever and ever,
I hate you for being my friend.
I hate that i considered you a brother
and you considered me a sister.

Nothing no one can say to make this pain go away,
i'm stuck with this through life,
but in the end of the day,
I still love you...