Embittered Penguin

Embittered penguin

Just look at the embittered penguin

So bitter and mad

He curses others for what is beyond his control

Jealousy unbound ravages his soul as he bitterly stares at other birds

Not content, with what he has been given

Belittling his strength and enlarging his shortcomings

He blames even his own creator for his problems

For every time he bitterly stares at another flying bird

The embittered penguin would only sigh at his own wings

Far too slim with the wrong type of feathers

Perfect for swimming but horrible for flying

And so instead of practicing swimming, the thing he is good at

He would curse everyone all the while dreaming the impossible

The day those slim wings would transform into lustrous wings

Capable of flying past all of the other birds

Giving him the adoration of his kin

He would dream dreams until he could no longer even swim

His wings petrified from lack of use

His one talent wasted because he wanted something he wasn’t supposed to get

He wasn’t contend with what he had

So to this day he would stand in the snow with his withered wings staring at the other birds fly away

Don’t be an embittered penguin