In My Heart

two different people
two different worlds
fit together like one
when a good thing goes bad
its not the end of the world
its just the end of that world.
just want to hold you
and just want to love you
holding you again would be a dream come true
but the worlds will makes a fire
and they wont be together again
but we are afraid to see each other with other people.
I see your face in my dreams all the time
I call out to god hoping but just want the old life back but in a better why
Why cant I find happiness
why cant happiness just be with you
and not in the darkness i feel inside
when I'm with you i feel safe and love
I have a feeling i get inside me i don't get with anyone else.
is it bad that I wish every night to be us again
why cant i just take back all my fuck ups and mistakes
the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life was loosing you