Who are you?

Who are you?
With your sun burnt hair
And your grass green eyes.
what are your thoughts as you look at the trees?
do you wonder at their stoic bodies?
do you compare your brittle bones to their solid trunks?
Your slender fingers to their reaching branches?
your imperfection are beautiful
who are you?
with your curved in shoulders
and your shallow cheeks.
do you search your head for purpose?
do you weep as if you’re grieving?
and if so what for?

it is your own precious mystery
and the world despises you for it
I have seen you before
you drift like forgotten newspaper
you wilt like trampled flowers
I watch your toes catch on rocks.
I will bandage your breaks
I will catch your tears
and you can be on your way if you want to
there is no one in this world who can stop you
and they will all despise you for it
but not me darling
no, not me
I smile
we are kindred spirits
carry my heart with you to the mountains
sink it into the ocean
bury it in the dirt with the bones of a lover
because I am a prisoner here
so carry my heart with you