
Grasp me gently but enough to feel the pain
Make me feel, so maybe I'll be normal again
Rip through my tender flesh, for pleasure
Take away my last bit of innocence

You love me you say?
Prove it, stay by my side while I bleed
You have done this to me
Taken my last bit of purity

Stole it from me, sweetly
Made me feel comfortable in your bed
Made me truly believe the lusty feel of you
Inside of me was love

Was it love? Or was it passion?
But love is not without passion
But passion can be without love
Passion minus the s's and o is pain

The rip of my childhood
The loss of my virginity
All inside of your sexy hands
Your luscious thrusts of your hips
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for Gillian