I Blame You

Ashes to ashes and stone to stone
When blood gets spilled, all's gone but bone
A change of heart can damage more
Than intended, despite the open door
Stems of white can no longer heal
What's broken and also try to conceal
The bruises and cuts that all added up
So they quit for the work was just too much
Sincerity left in hopes to be brave
Only to starve and be placed in a grave
This body is healed, just twisted and wrong
It manages words, but never a song
Over these feelings, just not all the way
For disappointment, once more, is all that stays
Grim and solemn is the daily blue sky
For it mocks me, showing me I can't fly
I could reach for its vastness, but I always fail
For anger is all left in me that prevails
At one point, sadness is all that I knew
For I always bit off more than I could chew
I don't want you, just your sincere apology
Because hollow ones are all you've given me
You can be happy, there's no one who says no
But all I ask of you is that you will know
Happiness is something that everyone should possess
But you take it all for yourself when you're not that blessed
Not sure where I can turn where I can go now
For all I can do at this point is furrow my brow
I blame you, for you were incredibly unkind
And all because you couldn't make up your mind