
They tell me to say goodbye,
for I will never see you again.
I will never see your light,
your laughter,
your smile.
You will forever be out of my reach.

They tell me that it will be alright,
I suppose it is true,
I suppose I can try,
but I don't believe.

They tell me you will
be in my heart,
and I believe it,
but sometimes the heart forgets.

They ask me what I love the most,
what about you makes me happy,
what about you that touched my heart.

I tell them,
you were a part of my life,
you were a part of me.

I tell them,
you will forever be in my memory,
I will never forget you,
because you touched my heart,
there, my love,
you will stay.

Goodbye my love,
I will see you in my memories.