Why I Write..

Lately I have been asking
What is my reason to write
It's a simple question
One that needs a bit of insight

I write because words
Are sometimes hard to say
And writing them down
Verse or lyrics is the only way

I write because when I do
I can't help but feel amazed
When the simple concoction of words
Leaves some feeling dazed

I write because writing
Is how I speak from the heart
I write because writing
Stops me from falling apart

I write because when I do
I understand how I feel
I write because my writing
Makes me feel something real

When I cease to write
I can't help but wonder why
I can think of what I want to say
But I can't bring myself to try

I feel like I am spiralling
and I feel lost and confused
But my real reason for stopping
Was because I lost you, My Muse