The Monster Under Your Bed

Waking up to a nightmare
With menacing silhouettes hidden away
Deeply buried in the corners of her room
Haunting her with a promise of evil

Claustrophobic in her panic
Feeling the walls quickly closing in
She finds herself pinned to the floor
Trapped in a web of lies

Breathing in venomous air
Dancing recklessly with death
You can see that crazy look in her eyes
Bringing with it the sureness of disaster

With a racing heart running from her fears
And her vision clouded by black spots
She can only prepare for the terror coming for her

Twisted faces frozen in a mask of pain
Slowly forming in the shadows already smothering her
Opening their mouths of gaping black holes
An icy sound pierces the silence

A screeching shrill endlessly tearing at her
Demolishing her entire being
An excruciating pain searing through her
Waking the evil sealed inside her

A cold heartless laughter echoing in the darkness
Animal eyes illuminating the blackness
Demons crawling down her throat
Forcing her to taste the end on her tongue
And in those final seconds they whispered in her ear
to always sleep with the light on
♠ ♠ ♠
Too freaky? Honestly i have no idea were this came from, but it is scary as hell!! I'll never be able to sleep again.