The Last Girl I Loved

I never said "I love you"
but I never meant it more
and with your tear-stained face and your razorblades
I never wanted to hold you tighter
When the sun set over the horizon of our town
I always wanted to kiss you goodnight
but instead I'd place my palm against a cold windowpane
with a muttered "I love you- come home"
To me, you always seemed unbreakable
til the day you broke down in front of me, screaming in my face
"I just can't do this anymore!"
and I screamed back "Just try!"
I never once kissed you, never once held you
and I never doubted myself til now
but I wonder on those nights when I lie awake
if you left because of me.
I never told you that I felt so much more
than what I pretended to feel,
I loved you like you were the brightest star that shone
and you loved me like a sister..