
I hurt to much when i am alone,
As all my scars have seem to shown.
With no one to talk to i keep it all locked in,
Which is why my inner demons win.
I get to a point when i feel no one cares,
At which my heart tears.
I quickly fall deep,
Pulled by the secretes I keep.
Finally someone comes to my relief,
Little did i know it would be brief.
Soon i tell you about my harmful ways,
That is when our friendship no longer stays.
You tell me you wont talk to me until i stop,
Once again i start to drop.
You know what i do yet you leave me alone,
That is when i decide to cut til i hit bone.
You're right, it is good thing to do,
It shows our friendship was never true.
You know what happens when i have no one,
Yet you still continue to run.
I guess this is best anyway,
Now i no longer have a reason to stay.