Tell me

Tell me what you want from me,
Tell me what to do.
Tell me what I did,
To be treated like this from you.
Am I too childish,
Or too immature?
Please tell me what to do,
Tell me what to change,
If I just knew what it is,
I could change it, and me.
I love you so much,
But I feel like to you,
I'm just a worthless child.
I wish I just knew,
What I could do,
To get you to tell me,
What I did wrong.

I want these thoughts to stop,
I want the tears to end,
I want to be happy again,
All the time, not just around you.
I hate faking a smile,
Just to get through the day.
I want to make it through the night,
With out those horrible thoughts in my head,
You know the ones,
The ones that tear me apart,
Every night and every day.
But I never let the demon in me act on it,
Because to do that,
Would mean to break my promise to you.
And baby, I never want to do something like that,
I love you too much.

I wish I knew,
If I mean as much to you,
As you do to me.
But your just to difficult to read.
I guess, I'll just sit here,
Just sit and wait,
Until I know what to do,
Cus only you can tell me,
What it is I need to know,
To make me open my eyes and see,
What I need to do,
To be as perfect for you,
As you are for me.