
I fall asleep with the tv on
Because I want the sound of something stupid in my ears
Something plausible
Something I can make fun of
Something I can hear to distract me from the torture of waking up
And being nothing
And having nothing
And wanting more than nothing
But getting less than nothing in return

I want to find solace in the idiocy
That is the cartoons in the morning
That is not the creaking of the animals in the walls
That is not the sound of the trepidation
In my anxious brain
I fall asleep with the tv on
So that I can think of the monsters and aliens that don't exist
Versus the monsters and aliens that do exist
And so that I can ease into the disgruntled confusion
That is a hot summer afternoon
And so that the first thing on my mind
Is not all of my failures
But all of conflicts of the poorly voiced animation
Dancing across my ruler long screen

I fall asleep with the tv on
So I don't wake up alone
Even if I am