Wasted Letters

Tap, tap
I'm writing you a letter
Ink crawling on a blank sheet of paper

Tap, tap
The words are getting good now
My feelings are conveyed with rich, meaningful vows

Tap, tap
Need I remind you, promises are fragile
But each time you break one, you would just smile

Tap, tap
My mind stops on its tracks
Crispness in sentences is what a girl like me lacks

Tap, tap
I rip out the paper, crumple and throw it to the bin
My hand is tired of moving, so I decide to drop my pen

Tap, tap
That should explain to you that no word is enough
to tell you about my trek in this world that's so rough

Tap, tap
So I rewrite my letter again
Hand moving freely with its weapon called a pen

Tap, tap
I jot and jot and jot, making one more wasted letter
More loss of ink and waste of such paper