Don't be Scared!

It's easy to explain....
Suicide: to take ones life
It's difficult to succed
Many reasons to go.
Choose your weapon.
Who cares abouyt you?
Erase ALL the memories.
The good, the bad, the onderful, the sad.
It'll all be over soon.
Whats life worth?
Say goodbyes without beingt suspicous.
Hang out with that brother/sister you CANT stand
Spend time with mom and dad.
Time is key!
You can't be scared.
It's MY only way out!
I'm suire to win.
To stiop the maddness.
To make peace.
Wishing for another way.
Gotta stay strong!
I'll be on the other side soon.
Reason to go: to erase my pain, fear...saddness
Weapon of choice: razor
When: NOW!
People i've left behind: Payotn, Sandy, George, Sarah, Travis
I'm Sorry.
You won't grieve forever.
You'll be fine without me.
Thanks for the courage!
See ya round