Does it matter?

Does it really matter,
What people think of you.
Does their point of view,
Really affect what you do?

Don’t let them hurt you,
Or make you a fool.
Just leave it with them,
They have nothing better to do!

Just stand up strong,
Remember their just a fool.
Don’t let them upset you,
You’ll always be cool.

Their words mean nothing,
So don’t take them to heart.
Jus t remember this,
There the one missing out.........
On having a good friend like you.

Ignore their stupid games
And their childish ways.
They don’t seem to know any better,
They can’t help themselves.

If this is the way they want to be,
Then I’m sure you’ll agree.
That it’s a waste of time trying,
So just don’t bother,
Wasting your time on a fool.
Just keep your head high
And remember who’s cool.