The Blood

Where is the pain
What happened to the blood
It should be flowing down my arm
It should be dripping on the floor
A deep dark shade of red
Pooling beneath me
Flowing from the cuts
Flowing out of my body
Why isn’t it flowing?
The dark red liquid I love
The red substance that helped me
Helped me to live
Helped me to bleed
Helped me feel the pain
Where pain is no more
And blood no longer flows
Cuts on my arm
That no longer bleed
I am bloodless
The pain doesn’t exist
Because there is no pain
I am already dead
I remember it now
I lost too much blood
And now theres none left
No blood to bleed
I can see myself
Lying on the floor
In a pool of blood
My skin as cold as ice
My face a pale white
The scars and gashes
Covering my arms
And the floor a deep red
From the blood that flowed
The blood I can no longer bleed