Up, Up, and Away

Up, up, and away
The shittiest life but the best day
Half a gram...
Half a gram...
A little more
The girls are so nice but they never were before
They love me
They love me
But suddenly they're bored
I feel like asking if they remember who scored
But it doesn't matter
Because I can't feel the hate
From you, from myself, its all just to late

Out of money but its nothing new
Call me a junker but its something to do
They call it rock bottom but the rocks are all gone
Nose numb, strung out, running across the lawn

They're coming
Everything to lose
My rap sheets cleaner then the kitchen counter
But my tongues still gone from licking all the powder
You couldnt call it life but its what I'm living
Falling through the cracks its my life that's sieving.