Dreaming of War?

The war has begone, new arms must be built, new army's formed. That was the mentality in the early days. The thought of going to war and fighting an enemy that was believed to be true evil in this world. The true enemy of freedom and peace. What sweet lies to tell to children, boiling there blood to lay down there lives for an unjust war, an unjust leader one who asked his followers to eradicate a harmless people, demonizing them, calling them the devils sons and daughters. It's saddening seeing young men and women die while there handlers live on and enjoy what the soldier won for them. Sadder still seeing the innocent people that were also killed for just being there such a wast of life such a pity. As this "war" gos on more lives wasted more people suffer, for those not at the front life gos on and on laughing and playing, soldiers die for an unjust war but no one cares, no one cares, no one cares. The only thoughts spent on the war is the profit it brings. If man is said to be made in the imige of god, why is it so destructive? Is this a test to prove the souls worth? Or is this just a dream? A dream that ends when we all wake up? And like children again play with no worries?