Psychological *** and Abolishment

My wishes to Tu, as the star comes across the sky
Is that the yeast makes you choke and die
The fizz makes your organs quake
And the emotional pain causes you to shake
Throughout the times I've seen you cause pain
For no matter than your own gain
I detest the bare sight of you, even though I've tried not to
Yes, everyone is human and I have this comprehension
But you are taking this to such an extension
You have worn out your welcome in my sight
So go away and ride out into the night
Forgiveness is a virtue that is not mine to bear
As I look into your forest eyes with shame
That I am the mirror in which the world can look upon
And see your horrific resemblance
They said you had a perfectly good and logical reason for your doing
And I say that this excuse is old and should be discarded for no use
There is NO reason for your behavior
I could no longer bear the act of caring for you or your life
People look at my opinion and feelings with shame
Telling Moi to forget the past
That works both ways in my eyes
So I cannot understand why you aren't forgetting yours
I do not excuse disgusting behavior from someone in your standard
So I will not hold you in your supposed standard anymore
Your in my heart's graveyard, love
You killed yourself in my eyes, Harakiri
Drowned yourself in golden liquid to escape the world, bleary
You rot underground, still trying to figure out the past
While I'm looking ahead to the future
This is quite tragic, seeing that all you had to do was drop glass
All you ever had to do was express
All you ever needed to do was let go
It doesn't matter what the ones who raised you taught you
This is reality, think for yourself
You claimed you did but I can never see it
Si, you have amazing qualities
But Quality sometimes just can't erase Quantity
And in these 16 years
Quantity was never even born
So have fun with your life while your bones are old and they shake
Because all you ever are, were, and will be is a fake.
Psychological Murder and Abolishment
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If you can't tell, this has alot of anger in it