There are days

There are days I don't want to be around you or any one else,
But that doesn't mean I don't love you,
There are days all I want to do is be with you,
But that doesn't mean I'll get to see you,
There are days I want to cry because of something you said,
But that doesn't mean that they're tears of sadness,
There are days I want to just hold you close because I'm afraid you'll leave,
But that doesn't mean that you will,
There are days I wish you'd just talk to me,
But that doesn't mean I'll get to hear your voice,
There are days I'm alone and wish you would randomly text or call me,
But that doesn't mean your phone will always let you,
There are days I watch a romance movie and wish you'd do something similar that happened in the movie,
But that doesn't mean I'll get my way,
There are days I look at my self and wonder 'what you see in me',
But that doesn't mean that I'll see what you do,
There are days I want to cuddle up next to you and watch a scary movie just so you'll hold me if it's to much,
But that doesn't mean I'm a wuss because I'm not,
There are days I see that you're sad and I'd wish you'd just tell me what's going on, 
But that doesn't mean you will,
There are days you have said nothing at all and kept it from me,
But that doesn't mean I like hearing it from someone else because it makes me feel like you don't want me to know like you want secrets between us, 
There are days you have lied to me and pretended that it was nothing,
But that doesn't mean that it didn't make me upset,
There are days I wish I could do more for you,
But that doesn't mean I know how,
There are days I wish I was prettier for you,
But that doesn't mean I'll go get surgery because then I'd be fake,
There are days I wonder If you ever think about me,
But that doesn't mean thinking about anything perverted,
There are days I wish I was in a fairy tale,
But that doesn't mean I'll get a happily ever after,
There are days I wonder what the future holds,
But that doesn't mean I'm ready for it just yet,
But as long as I have you for now and these days we have I can cherish and hold for ever, 
I think I'll be just fine with my life that seems to be pulling apart but pulling together,
One last thing I need to say,
I loved you,
And more importantly Tomorrow.