Weigh Down Hope

Don’t give up on my dreams,

Don’t you see.

I need this.

It’s my little therapy.

I survive with these little hopes,

You distinguish as little notes;

A phase I’ll leave the next day,

But I don’t. I’ve never quit what I fight for.

But I think you throw on weight that overpowers mine.

I cry with the hopes and dreams.

I cry when I know how I’m deemed.

Unworthy, not useful, another mistake.

Why does this happen to me,

I know I deserve it so why do I hope.

Why do I want and need,

When I’m a villains deed.

Thanks for the reminder

Ill keep it in mind.

I burn the morals,

To see every time.

My apologies
My hopeless wonder.
I cry selfishly,
When my hopes are crushed under.

I’m sorry, my dear apologies

I thought hope was dead in me,

But I was in the wrong,

Just another mistake,

Which is fighting my morals.

Because I’m the mistake,

And I try so desperately,

To not make anymore,

Cause I’m still paying back,

From being born.