Lust Nevermore

Lust Nevermore

Words so sharply acidic, rot my soul to the core.
Words so hopelessly final, my heart lusts nevermore.
How can one be so heartless? Under such a façade?
We had much more than friendship, now I fear there’s no god.

Your whole world was my world, roots to boughs, intertwined,
Alas, all was for naught, rent to bits by your mind.
So I clumsily scrambled tried to mend, tried to care,
But the fuse reached the powder, you could no further wear.

Then at once all ignited, a report filled the air,
As the world I knew crumbled with a fiery flare.
Left alone on the curb, as few tears struck the dirt,
Silence quickly engulfed me.

Yet spiteful, resentful I will not live my life,
Killing mirth after mirth with a dark, twisted knife.
Living each day a hermit, from a cold, empty hole,
As a man underground, with a mind full of coal.

I must learn to move on, leave old demons alone,
Turn these mountains to molehills, reach the next stepping stone.
Find a path through the forest of bleak disposition,
Fight this cancerous force all the way to remission.

Words so sharply acidic, rot my soul to the core.
Words so hopelessly final, my heart lusts nevermore.
How can one be so heartless? Under such a façade?
We had much more than friendship, in a world with no god.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, I apologize if I'm being way too melodramatic.