
You whispered silver
Stitches across my black,
Shredded heart and you
Promised me solidarity.
You promised me much.
You spoke to me through
Music made by others.
Told me your secrets
And held mine in your own.
You wove a picture and
Shattered it over again.
You shattered me. I have
Never forgotten, I may never
Forgive. I doubt you require
Such a thing from one
Who lives far from your door.
I received what I had given
Another, and Light has reached
My still broken memory. I
Do not blame only you, my
Words and hopes and dreams
Fueled what was probably
Never really there. I tried so hard,
A song that broke my heart.
A broken mess is what you left,
But I gathered the scattered pieces
I glued them with my tears. You
Showed me that parts of me were
Never lost, and for that I shall remain
Grateful, though I will never be made
Whole by the hands of another.
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