It's her time.

2 year anniversay.
730 days,1 051 897 mintutes,63 113 8519 second.
They celebrate with a walk through the park where they first met.
First danced...First kissed.....First fucked
The special place.
They walk deeper into the enclosed park.
As they settle on the park bench he places his hand on his front pocket.
Still there!
He's nervos.
The love of his life.
But it's her time.
They sit side by side.
Protective arms surround her.
Snuggling into his neck.
"I love you so much"
No responce from him.
He's worried.
He's growing weak.
Not sure what drove himto feel this way.
Confused by the tangled feelings in his heart.
"I'm sorry"
He whispers.
He grows angry.
Frustrated that he is unable to control himself.
Placing his hands on her shoulder
he turns her so they are face to face.
"I'm sorry"
Tender kiss placed upon her.
Reaches for his pocket.
Slides out a razor.
He'll miss her.
Embracing her deep.
Letting his love be known.

He makes. it QUICK!
No pain.
The razor slips across her smooth delicate skin.
Her eyes go into a stare.
Her legs go weak.
She goes limp.
He catches her.
Hold her!
The dark red gushing down her chest.
He drops to his knees.
Crying, screaming.
He hold her close!
As he watches her lips go blue.
He can't bear it!
He kisses her.
"Hold on i'm coming"

He fall beside her.
Laying bloody and exposed.
He's with her.
He will be by her side....
♠ ♠ ♠
The things people do for love..